Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to Prep Your Pet's Holiday Menu

Get heathy and nutritious food for you pet from Petsmart at amazing prices and get a big saving when using petsmart grooming coupon $10 off on pet's services for a wonderful holiday season.

Celebrations any Holiday in a year can be fun when you include your dog. However, you shoul remember keeping "People Food" off your pet's holiday menu. 

Keeping your pet safe and healthy this holiday season by saying "no" to the following holiday foods:
Holiday table scraps. Pets love rich scraps such as drippings, gravy and poultry skin; however, they can cause pets to suffer from severe indigestion, diarrhea and even pancreatitis, which is not only terribly painful, but can be fatal. Never offer fatty foods to your pets and advise guests not to feed them either. Keep items such as mashed potatoes and gravy away from the ends of the table and counter tops so “counter surfing” pets can’t reach them. Also, secure trash and keep it out of reach, such as under the sink.
Poultry bones can splinter and form sharp points, and can get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract causing dangerous perforations. They might also become lodged in the throat, gums or the roof of the mouth. Pets can’t resist a juicy bone, so make sure they can’t steal one! Also, remove skewers and string from the turkey, as well as that delicious roasting bag that a pet would love to devour. Your pet could end up having surgery to remove such items from his digestive tract.
Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in gum, mints, candy, baked goods. Even 1/8 teaspoon can cause dangerously low blood sugar in dogs and ½ teaspoon can cause liver damage
Chocolate is very dangerous to pets. It contains high levels theobromine, which can over-stimulate the heart. Just a few ounces of chocolate can be fatal for a small dog. Keep all types of chocolate out of reach of dogs and cats, especially baker’s chocolate, which is seven times more toxic than milk chocolate.
Uncooked yeast dough raises major health issues. Hard to believe there’s a downside to homemade bread, but uncooked yeast dough can cause abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, disorientation and depression in pets. The product of rising dough is alcohol, which can be poisonous.
Alcohol and pets do not mix. Place alcoholic drinks safely out of reach, and patrol the party to be sure your guests do the same. Alcohol poisoning is serious and can be fatal. Never give alcohol to a pet.
No coffee please! That means anything with coffee in it, from gourmet, chocolate-covered espresso beans to your morning latte. Caffeine creates symptoms in pets such as restlessness, tremors and seizures depending on the amount that is ingested.
Macadamia nuts cause severe reactions, including muscular weakness, disorientation, depression, tremors and abdominal pain in dogs. Symptoms can last from one to three days.
No grapes or raisins! Dogs have suffered poisoning after consuming between 9 ounces and 2 pounds of grapes or raisins. Symptoms range from severe gastrointestinal upset to kidney failure.
Keep contact information for your veterinarian and the nearest emergency veterinary clinic readily available.
Call or visit the veterinarian immediately at the first signs of injury or illness. You can use a pet first-aid kit to treat minor injuries, so be sure you have one on hand.    
To see more great products for your pets, let's visit: Petsmart and make sure visit CouponSoHot daily to not miss other deals from Petsmart.